Pop Phone, você usaria?
Pop Phone, would you use it?
Pop Phone, would you use it?
Criado pelo designer francês David Turpin em 2009 inspirado nos telefones Bakelite típicos da década de 50 o adereço retrô vem fazendo a cabeça de algumas celebridades e da galerinha fashionista...
Created by french designer David Turpin (linked above) in 2009, inspired by the Bakelite phones, typical from the 50's, and this retro accessory caught the eyes of a few celebrities and from the fashionists...
Created by french designer David Turpin (linked above) in 2009, inspired by the Bakelite phones, typical from the 50's, and this retro accessory caught the eyes of a few celebrities and from the fashionists...
Carol Castro |
Lenny Kravitz |
Jamie Lee Curtis |
Além de ser muito mais confortável pra bater papo, ele bloqueia 99% da radiação do celular, ou seja, além de ser fashion faz bem a saúde!
Besides being a lot more comfortable, it blocks 99% of the mobile phone's radiation, means, besides being fashion, it's healthy!
Besides being a lot more comfortable, it blocks 99% of the mobile phone's radiation, means, besides being fashion, it's healthy!
E ai? Você usaria?
So... would you use it?
So... would you use it?
Fica a dica!
Translated by Nicole ;)
Translated by Nicole ;)